Our School

About Our School

Students from Kindergarten through to Year 12 are enrolled at Bothwell District High School. Students have full access to the Australian Curriculum and enjoy the opportunity to take part in a number of extra activities as a result of close school and community partnerships.

Our students participate in a range of specialised subjects, including the Food and Fibre curriculum as delivered through our Agricultural Studies program. Each year our senior students participate in wool handling competitions and the National Merino Challenge, demonstrating their knowledge of sheep handling and the wool industry.

Our early years has a focus on nature play, with a range of outdoor learning opportunities.

Our senior student leaders are provided with opportunities to lead school-based House activities and to engage in community forums and events.


Our Leadership Team

Principal - Erika Boas

Advanced Skills Teacher/ Wellbeing and Support - Jessie Byers

Advanced Skills Teacher/ Reading Priority - Laura Smith 

Advanced Skills Teacher/ 9-12 Pathways and Careers - Helen Doyle

School Business Manager - Christine Turner

Our Literacy Success

We are a member school of the Midlands Cluster and in 2024, The Cluster received a $75,000 per year Schools Plus Grant for the next three years to support student literacy success. Our collective focus will be in implementing explicit reading strategies and in supporting our middle leaders to coach teachers to best support student literacy success. Bothwell early years and primary teachers have been using the PLD literacy resources and our students in the early years have been achieving outstanding results.  


School Calendar

School Calendar

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Forms & Documents

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School Newsletters

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